It’s true, Everything that exists has a measurable vibration. On our planet we measure vibrations with all kinds of devices. Just for instance, an earthquake (Vibration) is measured on “Richter scale” and down to the vibration we call electricity we measure in “Kilowatts” Our voices are the creation of vibrations coming off of the vocal chords. We can all feel even the smallest vibrations that lie at our fingertips.
Our body and mind are also sources that vibrate. There is a measurement “Megahertz” or (Mhz) that help define the health of our system as well. A healthy brain for example vibrates between 72-90 Mhz as the Human body also when healthy vibrates between 62-68 Mhz.
Studies have shown that illness begins to appear when the vibrations become lower, for instance Cold symptoms can begin to show at about 58 Mhz and the Flu follows directly beneath at 57 Mhz. Other severe “body” ailments come along when the vibrations fall below, at 42 Mhz Cancer can begin to develop. And “Death” of the body has shown to begin at 25 Mhz.
Here are some oils with wonderful vibrations to not only lift your mood but most likely your vibration and well being!
Essential Oils have been tested as well, and their frequencies (Since they are “living oils as compared to “laboratory” Oils or medicines.) range between 52 Mhz and 320 Mhz. Depending on symptoms certain oils can assist you in remedies by simply raising your vibration level!
And each of our Energy Centers (Chakra’s) Have a Vibration level that they run with premium efficiency at.
Lavender, The “mother of essential oils for instance finds use in several of the centers such as the Heart and Throat and measures at a frequency of 118 Mhz.
As you progress up the Chakra centers each has a corresponding group of oils that match the centers own vibrations. By using them one can help each corresponding center also.
Patchouli, For instance is one oil suggested for the Base or Root Chakra and is shown to have a frequency of 108 Mhz. It helps in staving off colds and flu’s as well as other infectious and inflammatory conditions.
And at the top of the Scale?
ROSE Oil It shows a vibration or frequency level to be at 320Mhz! At this level, one is at almost four times the highest recorded frequency of our Mind. A helpful oil to aid in one’s quest for happiness and the manifestation of their dreams through the “Crown Chakra”
There are oils that can be blended together for all types of illness as well! We figured you knew about the many “Antibiotic” and “anti-infectious” properties of Essential Oils. We thought maybe we would show the connection between their Vibrations and Yours and well, the “Universe” as well!
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