The History of The Center Of Power

Today’s world is filled with overwhelming stress and disease caused from stress. Because of this, nearly $16 trillion will be spent towards healthcare by 2030. New and revolutionary therapies are coming into the health care scene to ease costs and provide real results at a faster pace than traditional treatments. In Henderson, NV one such therapy has emerged that combines the new and old, the traditional and alternative to create an effective treatment for stress and related disorders.

The Body, Mind, and Spirit Rejuvenation Therapy® is a method of channeling and focusing the different energies of the body, mind and spirit and balancing them to work in harmony together. It releases unhealthy energies, heals the heart, and helps individuals achieve more clarity and focus which usually results in more productivity, better health and greater life satisfaction.

The Center Of Power was established in 2000, by Free Livingston, to facilitate people finding their power, their center. Even though the life circumstance of each person is different, it really comes down to one basic issue – accessing your inner power. In my opinion, that is the key to all health – physical, mental and emotional. That is where the name The Center Of Power came from. It is my goal to help everyone access their own Center of Power to make healthy and desired changes in their life. I feel that once your own inner power is tapped into, change is easy and effortless.

While pursuing my Masters Degree I was taught guided imagery and saw how effective it was in helping my students focus for a test. Soon I only wanted to teach in that way. I searched and found a great alternative therapy school (hypnotherapy) and attended the intensive training in San Francisco. During our course work we had opportunities to learn from experience and I saw how easy it was to release past issues, even without the people involved present. I learned such effective and yet gentle techniques that have since helped people work through divorce, childhood traumas and focus on success and present happiness.

Do I use hypnosis in the rejuvenation sessions? Yes, and no. I use an aspect of hypnosis called guided visualization. It’s more like guided daydreaming. In combination with the Reiki and Aroma therapies, I have found a much more amazing experience happens. All of the techniques used are on their own very powerful; however, when used together, they work in such a powerfully synergistic way most people are truly amazed by the experience and call me later to tell me what the results were from their Rejuvenation Session.

EveryDay Yoga was established in 2001, as a subsidiary of The Center Of Power and is now providing a comfortable haven for beginners and a challenge to yogis at Healthy Connections. A personalized program can be developed for anyone wanting to relieve stress and lower blood pressure to toning and losing weight. It is possible to see results in as little as 3 weeks. EveryDay Yoga is a supportive, relaxed environment in which you can find serenity and peace of mind while creating a stronger, firmer, healthier body.