What is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. It is a non-intrusive method of hands-on healing that taps into the energy referred to by philosophers and martial artists as ki in Japan, chi in China, and prana in India.

Reiki is not massage, hypnosis, a religion, or a tool for diagnosing illness. Reiki is a technique that addresses both chronic and acute conditions, gently and powerfully promoting balance among all the body’s systems and the normal regenerative process of the body and mind.What is a Spiritual Integration/Rejuvenation Session Like? Come to a session in loose, comfortable clothing. You will lie on a table fully clothed.

Little or no pressure will be applied and no massage oil will be used. Essential oils may be used, although they are not necessary to receive the full benefit of your treatment. Hypnosis may or may not be used, depending on your needs. Reiki can be a part of this session and through Reiki the amount of energy needed will flow through the practitioner, to you. You will receive only the amount you need to bring your mind and body into balance.

Reiki and Rejuvenation Therapy may be used together and is not only healthful, but pleasurable. One of its greatest benefits may be the opportunity to let go and enjoy the experience of being nurtured and cared for.

An hour long session is $90 with Free. She is also teaches Reiki Classes.
Trained in Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Yoga and Theta Healing, Free Livingston holds a Masters in Education and has been an educator for over 20 years. She does private sessions and group classes on a variety of topics related to Spiritual and Physical Wholeness.

Many ancient cultures including the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and Egyptians embraced the belief that life energy flowed through the body deeply affecting our bodies, minds, and emotions. Current research strongly suggests that energy does extend throughout and beyond the physical body and that disruptions or imbalances in its flow correlate to physical, mental and emotional illnesses.

The healing art of Reiki (pronounced “RAY-key”) addresses these imbalances to support your good health and well-being.