Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Essential Oils for the Summertime "bug"

Summer is just around the corner!
Summer is upon us and with it… Bugs!
Wait a moment! It isn’t that bad really. The insects that sometimes do bug us are here for a reason. We know that! So we need to find a way to allow them to do what it is they are here on Gaia to do while we can enjoy our summer without the trouble of dealing with them as well!
A couple of Essential Oils that you want to have with you during these months especially are Citronella and Cajuput (Tea Tree) oils.
Besides having the wonderful health benefits that all Essential Oils, these two in particular are wonderful insect repellants as well! Nature’s Natural way to keep them at bay!
Citronella is of the Botanical family Gramineae (grasses) Properties: Anti-bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Deodorant and Other helps with Colds, Fatigue, Headaches, Migraine, Minor Infections, Neuralgia, can be used as an antiseptic to sanitize and deodorize surfaces where food has been prepared. It also has been shown to aid in calming barking dogs. Body Systems affected: Muscles and Bone, Skin Aromatic Influence: May help increase the heart rate. Blend Classification: Personifier Odor: Type: Top Note; Scent: Citrusy, slightly fruity, fresh, sweet. Intensity: 3.

The Cajeput variety of Tea Tree is of the Botanical family: Myrtaceae (myrtle shrubs and trees) Properties: Anti-catarrhal, Anti-infectious, Anti-microbial, Anti-neuralgic, Antiseptic, Helps with acne, arthritis, asthma, olds, cystitis. Flu, hay fever, headaches, infections, stiff joints, laryngitis, pneumonia, respiratory infections, rheumatism, sinusitis, skin (oily and spots) sore throat, toothache, and viral infections. Blend classification: Enhancer Odor type: Top Note.

One of our Special Blends
“Purification” As well contains these same Oils along with some other very special oils to give you more than just the qualities of the single oils
The individual oils in this blend: Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, and Tea Tree have some very powerful antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and sanitizing properties. It is very useful for killing odors and their bacteria, molds and fungus in the air. Odors such as mildew, cigarette smoke as well as other noxious odors. It repels bugs, and insects. It is beneficial in neutralizing poison from insect bites such as spiders, bees, hornets and wasps. It is an excellent oil for 1st aid in sterilizing wounds and cuts.
Visit our Store for orders and more of our Oils and Blends and… Here http://thecenterofpower.com/store/index.php?cPath=2&osCsid=jv2dkb5galmlkgr0mmtlg8vmt0

DISCLAIMER: Purchase of these items affirms that customer accepts all responsibility for proper and appropriate use of essential oils. For use in skin preparations only. Ingestion of essential oils is at the discretion of the individual and should be done only under the guidance of a fully qualified practitioner.

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