Monday, October 5, 2009

Exotic and Sumptuous Essential Oils

People have been asking about ordering some special oils, so we wanted to let everyone know what we’re looking at purchasing.
These Oils all have a Storied History of Love, Passion, Healing and Spiritual properties, that make them “Shine just a little bit brighter.”
Here are the Oils and some of their stories and properties:

Jasmine – Known in India as the “Queen of the Night” and “Moonlight of the Grove”. It is an essence that has been treasured for centuries. The Jasmine Flower symbolizes hope, happiness and love. It helps with emotional balance, is uplifting and can help increase intuitive powers.
Prices and amounts available are - 1/8 oz $25 1/4 oz $50 and 1/2 oz $100

– The healing properties of the Rose have been used throughout the ages, in medicine, it is stimulating and elevating to the mind, creating a sense of well be-ing. Its beautiful fragrance is almost intoxicating and aphrodisiac-like. Prices and amounts available are - 1/4 oz $40 or $60 and 1/2 oz $70 or $80

Myrrh – For thousands of years it was one of the most desired and expensive items in the world. In Greek Mythology the resinous drops from the Myrrh tree were said to be teardrops from the Goddess Myrrha. It is also said that from the blooms of the trees the child Adonis was born.
Prices and amounts available are - 1/2 oz $20, $25, $30 or 1 oz $35, $40, $50

Some other very special oils we are looking at ordering are:

Vanilla – 1/8 oz $40 1/4 oz $70Violet – 1/4 oz $40, 1/2 oz $70

Magnolia – 1/4 oz $15 and 1/2 $30

When Talking about Using these Sumptuous Oils, here are a few reasons to consider using them!Fragrances vs. Essential Oils
Fragrance: The question posed is that of the fragrances that we love so dearly. When we speak of fragrances the first thought that comes to most is that of the perfumes/colognes, shampoos, everyday household cleaning products etc... The list is endless.The desire to use them to do everything from cleaning to help with emotional Well Be-ing is as natural to use as the air we breath. The problem "lies" in what is considered a fragrance! Or what the FDA allows to be used in the products marketed in this country as a fragrance.There are potentially over 1,000 "ingredients" used by the commercial perfume industry alone that could cause harmful effects to those that use the products. The European Union has banned at least that many from their marketplaces while our government has banned as few as eight. This is allowed because, all the perfume companies need to do to get around the FDA's standards is to call the ingredients a "trade secret" allowing them to use illegal ingredients without the government doing so much as to even blink an eye! Among many of the harmful effects of these "secret ingredients" and potentially the most harmful, is that they can reach though the membrane barrier in the mind into the "Limbic System" where our memories, our cognitive skills, the regulation of our nervous system, blood pressure and heart rate are controlled among many other other functions important to our Well Be-ing. Damage to this system can cause adverse effects such as vascular degeneration of the brain, damage to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, hyperactivity, depression, mood swings, seizures.... the list is long! The industry has always stated that they would clean up there products. The problem is that they are allowed to self-regulate this "clean up"


Essential Oils: These Oils have been around since the dawning of this beautiful planet we call home! They were here long before the first "Modern Doctors" were given diplomas and told they were ready to go out among the people and "heal" them. And yes they do have wonderful healing properties! They have been shown to raise our "vibration level" with just the faintest of an inhalation. But for healing the spirit? They too reach the Limbic System, but as pure Essence's with only the properties that "Spirit" intended! They have been shown to "help" improve the very same symptoms the fragrance industry is harming with all the additives they call "trade secrets"! Oh and by the way. Did we happen to mention that these oils "AROMA'S heal the Heart, Mind and Soul all the while bringing the true fragrance's of the earth to our daily lives! Pure Essential Oils are just that! PURE! No "additives" no "trade secrets"!
Let us know if you’re interested in any of the oils, we can almost do any size for you.
Contact us at:

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